The Price Guide Browser
by Bill Meier

[ Overview | Demonstration | Download | Purchase ]

Windows Installation Information

This is a standard Windows installation. Download and run the file in your browser. Note: If you already have the Price Guide Browser installed it is recommended that you uninstall it first.

Please review this supplementary information!

Windows general alerts

When you run the install program a dialog box like this will probably appear:

Click "More info" and another dialog box will pop up.

Click "Run anyway" and the install should start.

Chrome specific quirks

When you run the install program a dialog box like this will probably appear:

Click "More info" and another dialog box will pop up.

Click "Run anyway" and the install should start.

Edge specific quirks

When you start the download, the following will appear:

Click "Open" and another box will appear:

Hover over the right side, and a menu will slide down:

Click "Keep" and another box will appear:

Click "Show more" and another box will appear:

Click "Keep anyway" and the program will now run.

Last updated: April 15, 2023